We hope you get the chance to read your child’s report card. Report cards are important but it’s important to recognize that these are snapshot in time and don’t tell you everything about your child at school. The comments are very important and will tell you more about your chid’s progress at school. Each comment should answer the following three questions:

  • What is the strength?
  • What is a challenge?
  • What are the next steps to address that challenge?

Please contact your child’s teacher(s) to learn more about what is happening at school and what your child is learning.

Report Cards Sent Home near the end of the day (email and/or hardcopy).

Please watch for these – read the comments with your child please! Report cards are important but don’t tell the entire story of what is happening with your child at school The best way to learn about that is by keeping in regular contact with teachers.

The image and quote above is a good reminder about report card results, although important, don’t define your child. There are many things that we can’t put a number on. The numbers on the report card a snapshot in time and can be used as stepping stones for future growth and learning. A good article about how to talk to your child about report cards can be found here (note this is an external website and is not associated with the HSD or MMS).

If you have questions about the set up of the report card please read this: Report Card Opinions vs. Facts.



in: General