Today, MMS students and staff celebrated Character Day. Character Day is all about encouraging kids to have a growth mindset and making sure all of our kids know ”Everybody is a star. They just need to learn how to shine’. This, to me, epitomizes growth mindset. People with strong character traits learn to shine.
Homerooms worked together to determine what character traits were most important to them using this Period Table of Character Strengths.
All homerooms posted their ideas to this page. A number of staff posted what strengths are most important to them. It was fascinating to listen to the different classes talk about about Character Day. To get an idea of what they spoke about please watch this short slideshow all of our kids watched. Click here to watch the slideshow. It also includes an 8 minute video about the Science of Character.
Please talk to your children about their day and what they thought were character strengths they thought they were good at and ones they thought they need to concentrate on to get better at.
The mission statement of the Hanover School Division is:
Hanover is a student-centred school division striving for excellence while developing skills and promoting values for a productive and wholesome life.
Days like Character Day and Dot Day help all of our students build on important skills that will help our kids live a productive and wholesome life.
in: General