This past week we have been having discussions with our 7s and 8s about how to make our PM a better break for everyone. Grade 7s and 8s were asked to vote for the following options about what the PM break would look like for 7s and 8s. These are the results: 127 responses in total 10 votes for Keep the new PM schedule – the one with two short transition times between periods 5 & 6 and 6 &… Read More
Events Tuesday, June 4, 2019 – No Peer Support Group at Pat Porter Active Living Centre due to renovations. Tuesday, June 11, 2019 – Family Support Group from 7-9 pm at the Pat Porter Active Living Centre with Kim Heidinger 8 Stages of Healing topic – Validation: Identifying and sharing your feelings about your loved one with mental illness. Thursday, June 13, 2019 – Smash Journaling from 1-3:30 pm at Backstage 220 Lumber Ave. with Kim Heidinger Tuesday, June 18,… Read More
We are making a slight change to the schedule for our grade 7 and 8 students. Due to some ongoing issues during our afternoon break (2:25 PM – 2:35 PM) we have decided to change the schedule to make two smaller breaks in the afternoon. Currently, many students are not using the break for its intended purpose. This leads to behaviour, at break, that interrupts many student’s ability and readiness to learn for periods 7 and 8. The current break… Read More
MMS, The Project 11 and KIDTHINK teams are encouraging everyone at MMS to join us in recognize Canada’s National Child and Youth Mental Health Day on May 7th. This day falls within Mental Health Week (May 6th to 12th) but is specific to children’s mental health. It was started in 2007 by two mothers in British Columbia and since 2010 has been led by a mental health organization, Family Smart, in BC. While awareness of this health promotion day has… Read More
Dear Parents/Guardians: Just a reminder of the procedures for students who generally stay at school over the lunch hour. If you give permission for your child to leave the school property over the lunch hour, a note is required before 9:00 A.M. This should be given to homeroom teachers. Alternatively, you can connect with Mrs. Enns at the front desk at 204-320-9488. We are getting reports from the community that high numbers of grades 7 and 8’s are in the… Read More