An Introduction to ‘The Ultimate Warrior’ An educational system isn’t worth a great deal if it teaches young people how to make a living but doesn’t teach them how to make a life. ~Author Unknown On Monday, February 27, 2017 we introduced something called ‘The Ultimate Warrior’ to all of MMS. These are grade level values that we will expect all of our Warriors to live up to daily to become ‘The Ultimate Warrior’. The core value for all grade… Read More
Parents/Guardians, please watch for this letter being sent home regarding mumps in Manitoba. The letter outlines how to recognize the symptoms of mumps, understand how to prevent its spread and know what to do if it is suspected parents/guardians or children may be infected with the mumps virus. To date there have been no knows mumps cases reported at MMS. To view the letter please click here. It has been copied below as well. Health, Seniors and Active Living Active Living, Population and Public Health Branch Communicable Disease Control 4th… Read More
You are cordially invited to come cheer on Mr. Johnson’s Grade 5 class as they participate in the “Speech Arts” category at the South East Music Festival – tomorrow! They will be performing excerpts from two poems/speeches: “I Have a Dream” by King Jr. and “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” by Churchill. The performance takes place on Wednesday, March 1st at the 10:00am session. (They are the 4th group to perform in that session.) It is held at the… Read More
MMS Parent Council is excited to announce Booster Juice Thursdays for the month of March. March is Nutrition Month and we are joining in the fun by offering a delicious and healthy morning snack option. Students will have the opportunity to order a snack size Booster Juice smoothie every Thursday morning for the discounted price of $4.50. Proceeds from any smoothies sold will go directly to the ongoing Landscaping Project. The smoothies will arrive just in time for morning break/recess. There will be… Read More
February 16, 2017 Dear Parents of current Grade 8 students: Steinbach Regional Secondary School is excited to welcome the newest members of their learning community – the Grade 9s. The Grade 9 Program sets a strong educational foundation in literacy and numeracy while offering many choices in elective courses and co-curricular activities. Our comprehensive program together with a supportive and caring staff makes the SRSS a great place for students to explore their interests, develop skills, learn and grow. The… Read More
To continue are celebration of Canada and it’s 150th birthday we are planning a couple of fun things for Friday, February 17, 2017. The Festival du Voyageur kicks off tomorrow which is a great Manitoba and Canadian tradition that celebrates are French culture in Canada. We are encouraging all students to wear plaid to get in the spirit! Hé Ho! Also, to recognize Canada 150 and this gorgeous weather we are going to have some outside fun during period 9 (last period). We are taking… Read More
I recently received this email from the kind people at Kids for Peace. This organization runs the Great Kindness Challenge which we ran at MMS between January 23 – 27, 2017 . Congratulations to everyone for the kind and great work! Mr. Mead Principal Hello Kind Friend! You did it! We did it! HOORAY!!! Thank you so much for being part of the 2017 Great Kindness Challenge. What an AMAZING celebration of kindness it was! We hope your week was filled with an abundance of joy and… Read More
February is ‘I Love to Read Month’ at MMS. Along with students throughout Hanover School Division, as well as pretty much everywhere else in Manitoba, Canada, and throughout the world, we will be celebrating reading. MMS staff have planned a series of events throughout February to engage kids in reading including our Annual Book Fair (February 6 – 8 In the Library). Thank you to Mrs. Doerksen and other staff for working hard to bring this temporary bookstore right into our school. The profits from the books your kids and you purchase will be directly… Read More