Orange Shirt Day is a beautiful opportunity to express our commitment to leaving behind a better Canada for all of our children. On this day we talk about being a Global Citizen and to build an awareness of the impact of residential schools, the stories of the survivors and indigenous culture. To get a preview of our assembly on October 1 (9:10 AM), see the presentation listed below. Families are welcome to join us for the assembly. Students are encouraged to… Read More
The MMS Terry Fox Run is set for Thursday, September 26! The forecast looks wet as the day goes along so we are going to move the start time to 10:40 am. Students who donate a minimum of $2 can wear a hat for the day. All proceeds go to the Terry Fox Foundation. Our school goal is to reach $500!
On Thursday, September 19, 2019, we are joining hundreds of thousands of people around the globe for Character Day — a global initiative where school districts, organizations, families, congregations of all sizes learn more about the science of character development from different perspectives. We talk about and do exercises around the importance of developing character strengths (resilience, grit, empathy, courage, kindness)–all rooted in evidence-based research. Character Day is one day. Character is one of the eight key competencies that we… Read More
MMS is in need of volunteer parent coaches. We have had a huge response from our grade 7s and 8s out playing volleyball this year. If you are, or know someone, willing to coach any of the following teams please let Mr. Mead ( ) or Mr. Tufford ( ) know asap. Grade 7 Girls: (we are trying to split the team into two teams) Grade 7 Boys: (we have enough for two teams so two coaches would be idea… Read More
Public Health Nurses offer school-based immunization services every year in schools throughout Manitoba. For the 2019-20 school year, Manitoba’s school-based immunization program will be as follows: Grade 6 Hepatitis B – 2 doses, all students eligible Grade 6 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) – 2 doses, all students eligible NEW! Grade 6 Meningoccocal meningitis C – 1 dose, all students eligible Grade 8 – Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis – 1 dose, all students eligible In order to facilitate the timely implementation of this… Read More
International Dot Day is September 15ish. At Mitchell Middle School we are celebrating Dot Day on September 12, 2019. Dot Day is all about Creativity. Being CREATIVE is one of the 6 core competencies we want all of our kids to learn and build on during their experience at Mitchell Middle School. We use Dot Day as in introduction to the SIX CORE COMPETENCIES (Creative, Collaborator, Communicator, Citizen, Critical Thinking, and Character) with the focus being on being Creative. As a school we… Read More
What is Strong Connections? Strong Connections is intended to give teachers and students a head start with developing good relationships that will benefit all students both academically and socially. Strong Connections is a program designed to enhance the start of year assessment of each child. Strong Connections activities are not tests, but rather they are tasks to help us get to know our students and how they learn in order to know where to begin with instruction. Rationale for Strong… Read More
Every morning we read our Daily Announcements to students. In the near future these will be done and shared on our YouTube Channel. To keep up to date with daily activities you can read our announcements on the slideshow . This can also be found under the Students link in the menu bar above.
Dear Parents and families, This morning there was a bus accident involving kids from the SRSS. There were no injuries reported. The students were brought to MMS to be released to their parents/guardians through the paramedics. Because of this you may notice a number of ambulances in front of our school. There were no injuries reported we are just following guidelines given to us by the paramedics. The students were brought here because its a safe place for them and… Read More
This morning we met with all of the grade levels individually to review expectations and to talk to each grade individually. To see what we talked about check out the slideshow.