A huge thank you goes out to everyone who came to watch Annie Jr.! Thank you for supporting your children and me (Mrs. Malech) in this exciting event. We have spent many, many hours preparing for the musical and it was amazing to see so many smiling faces in the audience when we finally got to show time. Thank you to all parents and volunteers who gave up their free time to help out in various areas such as set building,… Read More
As a school and community, we want to say another big thank-you to those individuals, businesses, and organizations that made major monetary contributions to our MMS fitness path and playground structure project. As promised, a plaque has been put on display in the school to make that thank-you a little more tangible and permanent; take a look at it in the trophy case next time you visit our school. The names of many others could also have been included, people… Read More
Beginning on April 28, 2016, Mitchell Middle School will facilitate a community engagement through the online group insight platform, Thoughtexchange. We invite all parents/guardians of children attending our school to take part in this unique and exciting opportunity to share their thoughts. Contribute to the conversation, and help our school identify community-shared priorities, appreciations, and concerns. The results of this engagement will help inform future decisions at the school and divisional levels. Participation is voluntary but as our partners in… Read More
Letters will be sent home today with Grade 5 students regarding an upcoming Mental Health Survey coordinated by the Healthy Child Manitoba Office. The letter, quoted below, is to inform parents about the details of this survey which Grade 5 students and teachers will be completing in early May. If you are a Grade 5 parent please be on the lookout for this letter. “At any given time, at least 1 in 5 kids struggle with their mental health. By… Read More
Our musical is finally here! Cast and crew have been working tirelessly over the past few months (especially the last few weeks!) preparing for our Annie Jr. production. The stage is set, final touches are being applied, and all are anxious to open the curtains and entertain! We have two evening shows scheduled: Thursday, Apr. 21 @ 7pm Friday, Apr. 22 @ 7pm If you haven’t ordered your tickets yet ($5 each), click on the order form here to get yours!… Read More