June, 26, 2020 Dear Parents/Guardians, As the school year draws to a close, I would like to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you for your partnership, your support, and your willingness to make the best of the circumstances we have found ourselves in these last few months. Thank you for pulling together alongside your children, our teachers, and schools, to implement distance learning opportunities in homes across our division. On behalf of our superintendent’s team, I will… Read More
June 19, 2020 Dear Parent/Guardian: As a result of the COVID-19 global pandemic and the suspension of classroom learning in March 2020, the school immunization program was postponed for immunizations which had been scheduled for spring of 2020. The school immunization program is delivered in grade 6, 8, or 9. If your child(ren) was in those grades last May, they have been affected. Each Service Delivery Organization (SDO) (also known as regional health authority) is planning so that children missing… Read More
June 2020 Dear Students and Parents/Guardians, Welcome and welcome back to Mitchell Middle School (Home of the Warriors)! We are looking forward to a successful 2020-21 school year with your daughter or son. The information in this letter is intended to keep you informed of the tentative opening day procedures and general school routines. To view a slideshow that explains our school more please go to: https://bit.ly/MMSorientation . We have also created 4 orientation videos, one for each grade 5 homeroom.… Read More
To encourage our students to be active over summer we are giving our current grade 5 – 7 students the opportunity to borrow recess equipment over the summer months. GET OUTSIDE – GET ACTIVE! 1. Complete this form to request the equipment that you or your child would like to check out. 2. Equipment will be available for pick up through the check out window at MMS 24 hours after making a request. Items will be available for pick up until June… Read More
The City of Steinbach is thrilled to offer active, safe and fun Summer Recreational Sports Camps (Ages 6 – 12) July and August 2020. With a unique and challenging year-end to the school year, we understand that the need for outdoors and recreation is very important to enjoy a festive summer. The City of Steinbach’s camps will follow the current Province of Manitoba Guidelines and have developed a Policy and Procedural process to follow throughout the camps. To learn more… Read More
Library Books are available to be taken out from the MMS Library. This opportunity is available for students in grades 5-7. Step 1: Go to https://destiny.hsd.ca/ and choose Mitchell Middle School to browse for available books. To learn how to use Destiny read this guide. Step 2: Complete the MMS Library Book Check Out Form to request a book. Complete the form each book that is requested. The information you share goes directly to Mrs. Doerksen. Books will be available for pick up every through the Check Out Window at… Read More
Hello MMS families! Thank you to all the grade 8s who came to our drive through farewell yesterday. Grade 8 teachers will be emailing the farewell pictures to families in the near future. We hope our grade 8s enjoyed the visit to MMS to see their teachers and they appreciated the farewell mementos. We wish all of our grade 8s nothing but the best as they transition to high school next year. For families with children in grades 5 – 7, below… Read More
Here are the MMS plans for the week of June 15 – 19, 2020. Note: LOTS going on June 17, 2020. Remote Learning/Learning at Home – AM Monday to Friday in the morning we are encouraging students to finish up any work that has yet to be submitted. Teachers will be available for online support from 9 AM and 11:30 AM daily. No new work will be provided. Teachers unavailable on Wednesday, June 17. In School Appointments – PM (No appointments… Read More
MMS farewell to our grade 8’s will look a little differently this year. We are doing a drive thru grad farewell on June 17th. Please see the invitation and map below for more information. Hope you can make it.