Thank you to the MMS Staff for a great 2016-17 School Year Thank you Thank you to the students and staff of Mitchell Middle School, parents and guardians, the community of Mitchell and the Hanover School Division for a great year! I hope you have a safe and happy summer!! Get outside as much as you can. Read as much as you can and laugh as much as you can. I enjoyed my first year at Mitchell Middle School and… Read More
Dear MMS Parents, The MMS Parent Advisory Council is excited to announce that thanks to all the fundraising efforts of Mitchell parents and students over the last few years, over 40 trees have been planted on the school grounds. We know that as they grow they will be much appreciated by all the students of Mitchell Middle School. We hope to plant more trees in the coming years, but this is such a great start! In order to make sure… Read More
YEAR END AWARDS CEREMONY – JUNE 27 AT 9:30 AM After feedback from a number of parents we have decided to move our Year End Awards Ceremony to Tuesday, June 27 at 9:30 AM. This is an hour earlier than previously scheduled. One of the reasons is the SRSS has their graduation ceremonies that day and we have a number of families involved in that as well. The earlier start time for our awards ceremony allows for more time to… Read More
Today, we welcome our new Warriors to MMS! Grade 4 students from MES spent the afternoon meeting their new teachers, seeing their new homerooms, getting to know different classmates and exploring MMS. After school, families were invited to learn more about MMS. We were happy so many families were able to make it out! During this meeting, parents got the chance to: can see their child’s new homeroom tour of the school learn about MMS priorities and school goals learn about… Read More
Congratulations to all of our students who performed in our year end Music Concerts on June 5. It is clear all of our musicians showed much growth since the start of the year. Thank you to all the parents who came to listen to the dress rehearsal in the afternoon or the evening performance. A special thank you to all the students who came for the evening performance. Much thanks to Mrs. Sawatzky for putting in all the time and… Read More
Our year end Band Concert is on Monday, June 5, 2017 at 7:00 PM. Our dress rehearsal takes places on Monday June 5 at 1:00 PM. Parents ARE welcome to come at 1:00 to watch this performance as well. Students are encouraged to wear school clothing (navy) or anything blue. For the evening concert, students should be in their homerooms by 6:45pm All students will make their way into the gym just before 7:00 pm. We are looking forward to seeing and hearing what has… Read More