Please take a few moments to read through our December Spotlight. There is always lots of important information in this newsletter. To find our newsletters look for the Parents heading and then click on Newsletters. For easy access you can read it by clicking here . As always, if you have any questions about anything happening at MMS, please contact the office or your child’s teacher.
WHERE? MITCHELL MIDDLE SCHOOL GYM WHY? TO DISCUSS YOUR CHILD’S PROGRESS WHEN? THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 4:30 – 7:00 PM In order to make procedures as efficient as we can, with as little waiting as possible, please adhere to the following alphabetical interview schedule based on last names: 4:30 to 5:20 Podlesnaia – Zibert 5:20 to 6:10 Adnum to Giesbrecht 6:10 to 7:00 Ginter to Plett What to Expect Teachers will be available to discuss your child(ren)’s progress to date. We… Read More
We hope you get the chance to read your child’s report card. Report cards are important but it’s important to recognize that these are snapshot in time and don’t tell you everything about your child at school. The comments are very important and will tell you more about your chid’s progress at school. Each comment should answer the following three questions: What is the strength? What is a challenge? What are the next steps to address that challenge? Please contact… Read More
A number of the grade 6’s are doing a cancer care fundraiser. There is a 2 year old girl that has brain cancer and she had 4 surgeries in two weeks. Her name is Brenna. She is at the children’s hospital and the money is going to her family and her because the parents have to pay to stay at the hospital and they are in the middle of building a house. She lives in Selkirk,MB. We are hoping to… Read More
Forms have been sent home with all Mitchell Middle musicians for our Mom’s Pantry Fundraiser, on now! Grade 7 and 8 Band students are raising money to pay for their year-end Grade 8 Band Trip to International Music Camp held at the International Peace Gardens. They will be travelling there in June and joining three other schools from Hanover School Division for 3 days of learning and performing together! Grade 5 and 6 music students are helping raise funds for… Read More
Please watch for this letter going home on Friday, November 4, 2016. Mitchell Middle School Parent Council, along with the student council, are working on fundraising for landscaping our school grounds. Money raised from this fundraiser will be used to bring in trees and shrubbery to enhance our school grounds. Not only will this beautify the school yard, it is great for the environment, and will provide much needed shade on the playground in years to come. This Peak of the Market fundraiser is… Read More
The Royal Canadian Legion Steinbach Branch No. 190 will once again provide lapel poppies and poppy stickers for all students in the Hanover School Division. With each schools’ package, there is an information pamphlet about the Poppy Campaign, a brochure about the Legion’s Literature and Poster contest and a few individual information cards about how poppy fund is managed and used. The Legion does not sell these items, rather we offer poppies to the public and accept a donation in… Read More