MMS Meet the Teacher – September 8, 2020 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM Our annual Meet the Teacher event is set for September 8, 2020 between 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm. All parents are encouraged to schedule a ten minute appointment with their 2020-21 Homeroom Teacher. Children are invited to be a part of the meeting as well. These meetings will take place in one of three manners: Face to face in the classroom by appointment only. Virtually by appointment… Read More
Hello MMS Families, The purpose of the ‘Welcoming MMS Students and Families Back: Restoring Safe Schools’ document is to communicate an overview on Mitchell Middle School plans to welcome our students back to school. Our first and foremost priority is the safety and well-being of our students and staff as we get ready to return to our school. This plan is designed to be a fluid document that allows us to focus on safety, health and well-being alongside student learning… Read More
Hello MMS Families! We hope you are doing well and looking forward to school getting started on September 9, 2020. Later this week we will be sending out MMS specific plans about necessary changes/adaptations we will be making to ensure that we start up safely and confidently One change we wanted to give you advance information about is student fees and supplies. We have reduced our school fees substantially as our ability to take field trips, do activities outside of… Read More
Hello MMS Families! We hope everyone had a restful summer break. We are currently updating/revising our June plans to meet all new provincial and divisional guidelines. Our school office officially opens on August 26, 2020. By Friday, August 28, 2020 you will receive an MMS specific plan regarding our safe start up to school on September 9. Over this week MMS staff will be working on the following to get ready: Setting up our classrooms to ensure students maintain a physical distance… Read More