We have had a great year of exploring all sorts of new opportunities at MMS during Day Wonder. Our fifth and final round of the year kicks off on Monday, April 30. Amazing opportunities have been created once again by our staff. Looking forward to starting our Monday on the right foot with wonder, exploration and fun. These are the options students chose from for round 5! Rugby Kids in the Kitchen Spikeball and Tennis Ultimate Frisbee Rock Painting Kitchen… Read More
Take Pride Manitoba Project Mitchell Middle School, 203 Third Street, Mitchell, MB The Take Pride Manitoba Project involves taking some successful Take Pride Winnipeg! programs and expanding them outside Winnipeg, to other communities in Manitoba. A huge thank you goes out to Green Manitoba for providing funding towards this project. Mitchell MB, help us #CleanCanadaTogether! A huge thank you to the LUD of Mitchell, Manitoba for their generous donation and support to help with our community clean up. April 27, 2017 2:00 PM Meet… Read More
Our Parent Advisory Council has organized a Spring School Clothing/Gear Fundraiser. All funds raised will be used to help create our outdoor classroom. Order forms will be going home with all students this week. To download and print the form and see the Outdoor Classroom plans please click here . Orders are due to the office by May 4, 2018. Samples of all items that are being offered will be in the office later this week.
Dear Parents/Guardians: Hanover School Division is hosting a Career Café & Exhibition on Wednesday, May 2, 1:30- 4pm and 5-7pm, at Steinbach Regional Secondary School. This exciting event is open to all Hanover School Division students and their parents/guardians because it’s never too early to start career preparation! The Career Café is an opportunity for students, along with their parents or guardians, to meet individuals from the business community and speak one-on-one with them about their careers, what education/training they… Read More
Please take a few moments to give us feedback on how things are going this year to date. Your feedback will also help us with our school plans for the 2018-19 school year. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Mead ( amead@hsd.ca/204-371-6278 ) at your convenience. To access the survey click here . Thank you for your time and feedback. This survey will be closed on Friday, April 20, 2018.