The Royal Canadian Legion Steinbach Branch No. 190 will once again provide lapel poppies and poppy stickers for all students in the Hanover School Division. With each schools’ package, there is an information pamphlet about the Poppy Campaign, a brochure about the Legion’s Literature and Poster contest and a few individual information cards about how poppy fund is managed and used.
The Legion does not sell these items, rather we offer poppies to the public and accept a donation in return. The poppy symbolizes the sacrifice of Veterans from our military and police services, with more than 117,000 Canadians making the ultimate sacrifice from the World Wars to current conflicts.
Remembrance is a corner stone of the Royal Canadian Legion, to learn more about the poppy campaign, the poppy and the poppy fund, please visit:
To engage Canada’s youth and to help promote Remembrance, the Legion sponsors an annual Poster and Literary Contest. Details may be found here: The Steinbach Legion will accept entries for these contests until Friday, November 18th. We will also have information on our local website. Winning entries will advance through the levels from the Branch to Zone, to District, to Provincial and finally National competitions. National winners from previous year may be reviewed at: It is amazing at what detail students pick up on to create their entry.
Often it is asked what the Legion does with the donations. In the past year, the Steinbach Legion provided poppy funds to purchase a spirometer machine for Bethesda Hospital, mattresses for the Vita Hospital, and, over-bed tables and fall mats for Bethesda Place. At Christmas, a tin of cookies were brought to our World War II veterans along with a card to let them know we were thinking of them. Using poppy funds, the Steinbach Branch donated $1,000 to Deer Lodge Centre for over-bed tables and $500 to the Provincial Joint Hospital Visiting Committee. When a national state of emergency was declared during the Fort McMurray wildfire, a donation was sent to the Alberta – North West Territories Provincial Command for relief efforts to aid veterans and the general public.
The Remembrance Day Service will be held Friday, November 11th at the Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church beginning at 10:45am. The Steinbach Legion appreciates the participation of students and teachers across the Hanover School Division in wearing a poppy between October 28th and November 11th.
Mitchell Middle School’s Remembrance Day Service will be held at 11:00 AM on Thursday, November 10, 2016. All parents/guardians and family members are encouraged to join us. Our office has poppies that parents/guardians and community members can get with a small donation that you are able to manage.
in: General