I recently asked students to send me blog posts so they can share what interests them inside and outside of school. Yesterday, TJ and Spencer from 6CS shared this with me.
Ukrainian dance is a traditional dance in the Ukraine. Ukrainian Dance is often described as energetic, fast-paced, and entertaining. It is fun for boys and girls to take. We dance in Sarto which is near Grunthal. The drive is 15 minutes from Mitchell. There are a variety of ages for 3 years of age to adults and we go to competition once a year to places like Brandon and Dauphin. The Club we belong to is called Sarto Polevnyi Dance Club. We start in September and it ends in April. There is a dance recital at the end to showcase all of our hard work. We get to wear amazing costumes. The instructor is amazing and has been teaching for 7 years. I should know she is my mom! (Spencer) One of the best parts is that you don’t even have to be Ukrainian to join!
in: General