Originally we had planned to have our Global Day of Design on Friday, May 4, 2018. This is a full day for students toplan, create, and collaborate. Each grade level will be working on their own projects:
- Grade 5s – Create a Roller Coaster
- Grade 6s – Build a Tiny House
- Grade 7s – Create a New Game
- Grade 8s – Build a Cardboard House
We have decided to move the Global Day of Design to Thursday, May 3, 2018.
As you may know the community of Mitchell recently lost an important member. We are setting up an afternoon at Mitchell Middle School on Friday, May 4 to allow as many staff members to attend the funeral to celebrate the life of a wonderful advocate of our kids and our community. Students will pick between five different activites (Movie, Makerspace, Board Games, Coding/Typing). This will allow our school to be approproately supervised while flexible enough for staff and students to attend and celebrate the life of an excellent man.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Mr. Mead
in: General