February/March, 2019

Dear Parent/Guardian,

The Manitoba Physical Education and Health Curriculum encourages physically active and healthy lifestyles. As per provincial requirements, the Physical Education and Health Curriculum for Grade 7 students include age-appropriate instruction on: Movement, Fitness, Safety, Personal and Social Management, and Healthy Lifestyle Practices.

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that your child will be receiving instruction on Healthy Lifestyle Practices as part of the scheduled curriculum unit for Grade 7 students. Within this curriculum – your child learns to make healthy decisions related to substance use or abuse, developing relationships, and responsible sexual behaviour. (Instructional units covering topics of human sexuality will generally take place later in the school year, in same-gender groupings, and will be taught by designated HSD teachers who have received training for delivery of potentially sensitive content. Information in regards to when those specific classes will be held will be shared with parents/guardians prior to the arranged classes.)

The teaching and learning activities of potentially sensitive content within the Physical Education and Health Curriculum as taught in HSD, will be based on the principle of informed abstinence – providing students with critically important information regarding their health and safety while holding up abstinence as a defensible and appropriate choice in all sensitive issues, including sexuality, and substance use and abuse.

The Hanover School Division respects the role of parents/guardians as the primary educators of their own children, particularly on topics that may be deemed sensitive. We trust that with careful preparation, open dialogue, and age-appropriate teaching – we can assist parents/guardians in educating their children to make healthy and safe choices as early adolescents.

Parents/guardians with questions, concerns, or wishing to preview any materials or videos, are encouraged to contact the school office. Additional information regarding the Physical Education and Health Curriculum can be viewed on the Manitoba Education and Training website at:       https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/mychild/grade7_phys.html

Please complete the permission form below, and return to your child’s homeroom teacher by: March 1, 2019

I grant permission for my child, ____________________________________ in Grade ___________ to participate in the school-based delivery of the Potentially Sensitive Content outcomes that are part of the Grade 7 Manitoba Physical Education and Health Curriculum.

            Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________________


My child, _______________________________________in Grade ___________ will participate in classroom discussions and instruction of Potentially Sensitive Content, but will receive a home-based delivery of topics of human sexuality sensitive issues.  As the parent/guardian, I will take responsibility to teach that material to my child.

            Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _____________________

in: General