Public Health Nurses offer school-based immunization services every year in schools throughout Manitoba. For the 2019-20 school year, Manitoba’s school-based immunization program will be as follows:
- Grade 6 Hepatitis B – 2 doses, all students eligible
- Grade 6 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) – 2 doses, all students eligible
- NEW! Grade 6 Meningoccocal meningitis C – 1 dose, all students eligible
- Grade 8 – Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis – 1 dose, all students eligible
In order to facilitate the timely implementation of this service MMS will be sharing detailed class lists for the following grades:
- Grades 6 and 8
Southern Health-Santé Sud is a trustee of personal health information and as a provider of health care, is authorized under the Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) 13(1) (a)(b) to collect personal health information required for the provision of health care and may use that information for that purpose or a purpose closely related to the reason it was collected. Further, section 14(2) (c.1) of PHIA permits the trustee to collect this information without whereby it may be disclosed to the trustee under section 22(2) of the Act.
The first date for grade 6 and 8 Immunizations in October 16, 2019 (9 AM – 12 PM).
Letter from June 2019
Manitoba’s Routine Immunization Schedule has been updated resulting in changes to Manitoba’s School Immunization Program. Starting in the 2019/20 school year, all students in Grade 6 (those born during or after January 2008) will be offered a vaccine that will protect against four strains of meningitis that circulates within Canada. This vaccine will be offered during the school year in addition to the hepatitis B and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines. Meningitis is a very serious and life threatening infection that is spread easily between people and can have serious and permanent effects, including death. Although anyone can be infected with meningitis, children younger than five are at greatest risk, followed by people aged 15-19 years and 60 years and up. Being immunized prepares the body to fight against the disease in the event it is exposed.
This change ensures Manitoba’s children are protected against disease and is consistent with best practice public health evidence. Manitoba’s Immunization Schedule aligns with other provinces and territories as well as with recommendations made by national and provincial vaccine experts.
Public Health staff within each Regional Health Authority will continue to send the appropriate documents such as fact sheets and consent forms to the parents of eligible students through the school. Immunizations are highly recommended by Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living but are voluntary in Manitoba.
For more information about Manitoba’s Routine Immunization Schedule including information about the vaccines recommended for your child(ren), please visit:
For any questions on Manitoba’s School Immunization Program please contact your local public health office (listing located at
“Original signed by”
Richard Baydack, PhD
Communicable Disease Control
“Original signed by”
Tim Hilderman, MD FRCPC
Director Medical Lead
Communicable Disease Control
in: General