On Thursday, September 19, 2019, we are joining hundreds of thousands of people around the globe for Character Day — a global initiative where school districts, organizations, families, congregations of all sizes learn more about the science of character development from different perspectives. We talk about and do exercises around the importance of developing character strengths (resilience, grit, empathy, courage, kindness)–all rooted in evidence-based research. Character Day is one day.

Character is one of the eight key competencies that we want all to students to grow. Last week we celebrated Dot Day which focused on Creativity.

We will begin Character Day with a school wide assembly in the gym at 9:10 AM. Families are welcome to join us if able to make it. After this assembly all classes will return to homerooms to learn more about Character by completing an Escape Room.  We hope you are able to join us for all or part of our Character Day events. Please take a few minutes to view the slideshow that we will present to everyone on Thursday morning.

in: General