Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are continuing to create a culture of kindness at Mitchell Middle School. Our school will join hundreds of schools across the country for the 2018 Great Kindness Challenge. Your child is part of a powerful and positive bullying prevention initiative that will lead to more kindness, unity and respect.

To help multiply this momentum, we are participating in a service project called the “Tin for the Kindness Bin Challenge.” We are collecting no-perishable food, preferably food in Tin Cans. Students are encouraged to bring the items and place their donation in the Kindness Bin that will be placed by the front of the school.  between January 29 and February 1. All food collected will be donated to a charity that supports people in need in the Steinbach community. We have a school to collect 500 cans of food!

This is a great opportunity for our students to learn about accepting others, expand their compassion and become active citizens.

To learn more about The Great Kindness Challenge, please visit:

Below, you will find a schedule of events for next week. Feel free to join us for the kick off assembly on Monday, January 29 that begins at 9:20 AM

Thank you in advance for helping us continue to create a culture of kindness and compassion.

With Great Gratitude,
Andrew Mead

MMS Great Kindness Challenge
Schedule of Events

Monday – Kick off

Lunch Homeroom Time 


Tuesday – Warriors of Kindness (school gear, wear blue/gold)

Tin for the Kindness Bin challenge (a bin will be placed by the office)

Lunch Homeroom Time 


Wednesday – Team Kindness – Jersey Day

  • Tin for the Kindness Bin challenge (a bin will be placed by the office)

Lunch Homeroom Time


Thursday – Tip your Hat to Kindness Day – Hat Day

  • Tin for the Kindness Bin challenge (a bin will be placed by the office)

Lunch Homeroom Time 

in: General