Good evening MMS families – this is a reminder that Term 1 Report Cards were released to the Parent Portal on Friday and are available to view. We are looking forward to welcoming students and families to our Term 1 Learning Expo on Thursday, Dec 12. The Learning Expo is an opportunity for our students to show off their learning during the first term. The format may look a little different depending on which grade your child is in, but… Read More
Hello MMS Families – this is a reminder that student picture retakes are scheduled for Wednesday Nov 20 in the afternoon (tomorrow!). Students who were not at school for their pictures will have their picture taken. Students who would like to have retakes should bring their original portrait packet to the camera and return it to the photographer when they have their picture taken.
Hello MMS families – this is a reminder that the MMS Remembrance Day Ceremony will take place tomorrow morning (Thursday), beginning at 10:30 am. Families are welcome to join us for this important occasion. There will be seating available for families on chairs and the bleachers. We hope you will take time to remember with us tomorrow.
Hello MMS families – this is a reminder that fundraising orders (perogies/sausage/coffee) will be ready to pick up after school tomorrow (Wednesday, Nov 6) beginning at 4:00. Orders will be found at the front of the school. Please be reminded that students/families are required to pick up their entire fundraising order and then distribute to all of their customers. As well, our top selling class (5H) will receive their pizza lunch prize tomorrow as well! Thank you again… Read More
Hello MMS Families – please note the PAC meeting that was scheduled for Tuesday, Oct 22 has been postponed. When a date for the next PAC meeting is selected, we will let you know!
Dear Parents/Caregivers, Today (or perhaps tomorrow) your child will be coming home with order forms to fund raise in support of the construction of our Windshelter project. Please click on the link below to see the information form and order forms that they have received. Thank you for your support! Click here for the Information Form and Order Forms.
Dear Parents/Caregivers, This is a quick mid week message to update a couple of important information items: Our first Parent Advisory Council meeting of the year will be held on Monday, September 23 at 9:30 am (this corrects an error communicated in Friday’s Warrior Weekly) Grade 6 and 8 Immunization forms were sent home last week and are due back as soon as possible – a Southern Health representative will be picking them up from MMS by the end of… Read More
Dear Parents/Caregivers, Please click on the links below to see important information for the beginning of the 24/25 school year at MMS. There are 2 links. The first is a welcome back letter with general information about the start of the school year. The second provides information about MMS and the cell phone free policy. Please take some time to review them both. Have a great Labour Day weekend, and we look forward to seeing our school family gather… Read More