Good afternoon MMS families – please remember that tomorrow (Wednesday November 1) is the day for our students to pick up the Farmer Sausage and Perogy packages that they sold. Here is the important information for you: all students and families who sold farmer sausage and perogy packages are responsible to pick up their sales and then distribute the packages to the people you sold from all packages will be available to be picked up between 4:00 and 6:00 pm… Read More
Good afternoon MMS families – please see the attached information about our Fall Fundraising campaign in support of the construction of a covered shelter offering a windbreak for our students. Your child came home with order forms for both perogy and farmer sausage packages – great prizes are available to be won by our sellers. Thank you for your ongoing support! Our first collection of money and order forms will be this coming Friday, October 6 – please do not… Read More
Good morning families of Mitchell Middle in 23/24! Please click the attachment below to see a notice with important information about the upcoming 23/24 school year. Take note that homeroom assignments for 23/24 will be released on the Parent Portal on August 28. Have a wonderful and safe summer! MMS June Parent Letter 2023-24 (1)
You may have noticed some new fencing that has gone up at MMS today and are wondering what is going on. We’re happy to inform you that the long awaited construction of 4 additional classrooms at MMS is about to begin! The construction will take place on the south side of MMS, in the space where the bike racks were recently located. Click here to see a picture of the building site. The first project, however, will be to add some additional parking spaces in the existing green space in… Read More
Good afternoon MMS Families – this is a quick reminder that MMS will be hosting our Spring Learning Expo tomorrow evening, Wednesday March 22 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. Our students are looking forward to demonstrating their Term 2 learning! Students and families are invited to attend at the following times: Students with last names starting with L – Z: 4:30 – 5:30 Students with last names starting with A – K: 5:30 – 6:30 We look forward… Read More
Good afternoon MMS families – please be aware that Religious Instruction (Discovery Time) will be offered for students in Grade 5 and Grade 6 beginning on Monday, January 9. Discovery Time will continue on Mondays until March 20. Parents, your child has permission to participate in Religious Instruction if you signed the relevant original petition for Religious Instruction. You can also provide permission for your child to participate in Discovery Time by sending a signed note to the school. Students… Read More
Good afternoon MMS families: for those students who sold pizzas during our recent fundraiser, we have set a new date to pick up pizza orders. Pizza Orders will now be picked up on Thursday, Dec 15 from 4:30 – 6:00. Rocco’s Pizza and members of the MMS PAC will be in the school bus loop to hand out orders. Please be reminded that students who sold pizzas are expected to pick up their entire order and then distribute to their buyers.… Read More
Good afternoon MMS families – due to forecasted extremely cold windchill values on Wednesday, we unfortunately have to postpone our Rocco’s Pizza Order pickup, which was scheduled for Wednesday evening. Please watch your email for information about a rescheduled pickup date and time, which will be communicated to you as soon as possible. Thank you again to all of our students for their great work in support of this pizza sale fundraiser!
We are looking forward to welcoming MMS families back into the school on Dec 7 to talk about student learning and achievement in Term 1! The structure will look different this year than it has in years past. Rather than conducting formal “parent-teacher” interviews, MMS will instead host a Learning Expo. At the Learning Expo, students will lead a conversation with their parents, or other significant family members, as they reflect on and demonstrate their learning and areas for growth… Read More